Fudoki no Oka Animal World-Zoo in the soil
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Last updated: 5 October, 2020
Date | 10 October, 2020 - 7 December, 2020 |
Time | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm(Admission is until 4:30 pm) |
Price | General 200 yen, university students 100 yen, elementary, junior high and high school students free |
Website | https://www.yakumotatu-fudokinooka.jp/introduction/exhibition/3266 |
Venue |
YAKUMOTATSU FUDOKI-NO-OKA 456, Obacho, Matsue-shi, Shimane 690-0033 http://www.yakumotatu-fudokinooka.jp/en/ |
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